Prayer Shawls

Over the centuries, the prayer shawl has come to symbolize shelter, peace, and spiritual sustenance to believers in times of both joy and sorrow. The creation and presentation of a prayer shawl enriches the giver as well as the recipient. Beautiful colours and silky softness shaped into a prayer shawl give us a tangible reminder of God’s promise to always be with us.  

The mission of our Prayer Shawl Ministry is to serve as an outreach for all in our church who enjoy knitting, most especially those who are gifted with these talents. To minister to those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing by providing a tangible representation of our concern, love and prayers for the individual in need. The Shawl is intended to “wrap” the person in prayer, comfort, healing and strength. Once completed, the prayer shawls are blessed by Rev. Maki before distribution to ensure that those who have made them and those who receive them are "covered in prayer."

Prayerful knitting is a ministry that can be done from a church group, home or anywhere. All are welcome to share their talents. 

Anyone is free to donate or request a Prayer Shawl, regardless of whether you’re a member of St. George’s or not. If you know of someone who could benefit from receiving a shawl, please call the parish office at 514-457-6934. Completed shawls can be brought to the church building or you can call the office to arrange for pickup.